From pain to pleasure: Addressing sexual pain from a functional perspective - Uro Sante

Addressing Sexual Pain from a Functional Perspective

Your Instructor

Dee Hartmann, PT, DPT

Dee, an internationally recognized author, teacher, and speaker on the treatment of chronic vulvar pain, spent over 27 years devoting her private practice to treating women with chronic vulvar pain, sexual dysfunction, chronic pelvic pain, and bowel & bladder disorders. She served the APTAs Section on Womens Health (Originating Chairman, Pelvic-CAPP; Vulvar Pain Task Force), the International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease (ISSVD Fellow, Counselor; NA-ISSVD, President), International Pelvic Pain Society (IPPS, board member); National Vulvodynia Association (NVA, board member); and is a Fellow, International Society for the Study of Womens Sexual Health (ISSWSH). In 2017, she and Elizabeth Wood, MSW, CSSE, BC, co-founded VulvaLove and the Center for Genital Health and Education. Their focus is reframing the conversation around desire, arousal, pain, and pleasure. In July 2021, she and Elizabeth published, “The Pleasure Prescription: A Surprising Approach to Healing Sexual Pain”.  She is married to her first love and childhood sweetheart, is the mother of 5 wonderful grown kids, and the lucky duck gramma of 9 of the most fabulous grandbabies in the whole world.


Don’t forget to add a bit of pleasure to every day!

Dee Hartmann, PT, DPT

International Speaker, Educator, and Author

Dee Hartmann Physical Therapy

Co-author, The Pleasure Prescription: A Surprising Approach to Healing Sexual Pain

Co-founder, Center for Genital Health and Education, Inc (

Co-founder, VulvaLove, Inc (


Dee Hartman PT, DPT