The Physiotherapy Assessment of Breastfeeding Related Conditions: Maternal & Infant Factors - Uro Sante

The Physiotherapy Assessment of Breastfeeding Related Conditions: Maternal & Infant Factors (Online)

Important Information


course objectives - entry level Female Urinary Incontinence
Maternal Factors :
Infant Factor :

Maternal Section 1

Nov. 1st (day 1) 19:00-20:30 Live-online learning (Montreal Time)
Nov. 2 to Nov. 11: Individual online asynchronous learning.

Maternal Section 2

Nov. 12 (day 2) 10:00-15:30 Live-online learning (Montreal Time)

Infant Section 1

Nov. 13 to Nov. 24: Individual online asynchronous learning.

Infant Section 2

Nov. 25 (day 3) 10:00 - 18:00 Live-online learning (Montreal Time)
Dec. 9 (day 4) 10:00 - 13:30 Live-online learning (Montreal Time)
course schedule

Your Instructor

Mercedes received a Bachelor of Kinesiology from the University of Calgary in 2008, a Master of Physical Therapy from the University of Western Ontario in 2010, a post-graduate certificate in pain management from the University of Alberta in 2014, and a Master of Health Management from McMaster University in 2018.

Mercedes has unique experience in physiotherapy for breastfeeding support and is an international board certified lactation consultant (IBCLC). She is passionate about bringing a physiotherapy approach to the lactation world and bringing lactation into the physiotherapy practice.

Mercedes Eustergerling
BKin(Hon), MPT, MHM

Some testimonials from past participants: